Milton Friedman - Da li država treba da propisuje i utjeruje moralne vrijednosti?

Milton Friedman odgovara na pitanje da li je nametanje moralnih vrijednosti ispravna funkcija države u slobodnom društvu.


Izvor: Simply explained YouTube kanal.






John Locke about self ownership

"Every man has a property in his own person. This nobody has a right to, but himself. The labor of his body, and the work of his hands, we may say, are properly his." - John Locke


John Locke o samovlasništvu

"Svaki čovjek ima svojinu nad svojom vlastitom ličnošću. Na ovo niko nema pravo, osim njega samoga. Možemo reći da su rad njegovog tijela i djelo njegovih ruku s pravom njegovi." - John Locke


2021 FMRS Zagreb: podrška javnosti i rast javnog sektora

Introduction Stephen Bartulica, Member of the Croatian Parliament, Center for the Renewal of Culture Keynote: Public Support and the Increasing Public Sector Barbara Kolm, Austrian Economics Center and Hayek Institut Panel: Public Support and the Increasing Public Sector Stephen Bartulica, Member of the Croatian Parliament, Center for the Renewal of Culture Andrej Grubišić, Luxembourg School of Business Hrvoje Serdarušić, independent consultant and analyst in business finance.


2021 FMRS Zagreb: Public Support and the Increasing Public Sector

Introduction Stephen Bartulica, Member of the Croatian Parliament, Center for the Renewal of Culture Keynote: Public Support and the Increasing Public Sector Barbara Kolm, Austrian Economics Center and Hayek Institut Panel: Public Support and the Increasing Public Sector Stephen Bartulica, Member of the Croatian Parliament, Center for the Renewal of Culture Andrej Grubišić, Luxembourg School of Business Hrvoje Serdarušić, independent consultant and analyst in business finance.


Gov't corruption and smartphone slavery – John McAfee's best quotes to RT

John McAfee, the former software tycoon found dead in a Barcelona prison cell on Wednesday hours after a Spanish court approved his extradition to the US on tax evasion charges, was a popular guest on RT. Here are some of his more outspoken and pointed moments, including discussing government corruption, the difference between suspicion and guilt, our slavery to smartphones, and how hackers could end human civilization.

Source: RT YouTube channel.


How Does EU Work - "Free" Market

How open and free is the EU market? The EU is often advertised as a zone of free trade and open markets, but in reality it is closed and restrictive!


Source: Вукашин Поповић YouTube channel.



Kako EU funkcioniše - "slobodno" tržište

Koliko je zaista tržište u EU otvoreno i slobodno! EU se često predstavlja kao zona slobodne trgovine i otvorenog tržišta, ali je u realnosti veoma zatvoreno i ograničavajuće!


Izvor: Вукашин Поповић YouTube kanal.




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