Solomon Asch

Lessons from a couple of social psychological experiments

The Milgram Experiment was a shock experiment by Stanley Milgram in the early 60's that tested people's willingness to shock others if instructed by an authority figure. Conclusion: 65%% of the participants would kill someone if an authority figure told them to.


The Asch Experiments were a series of experiments by Solomon Asch in the 50's that tested the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform. Conclusion: People were willing to ignore reality in order to conform to the group.


Lekcije iz par socijalno psiholoških eksperimenata

Milgramov eksperiment bio je elektro šok eksperiment Stanleya Milgrama ranih 60-ih godina, koji je testirao spremnost ljudi da šokiraju druge ako im to naloži autoritet. Zaključak: 65 % učesnika bi ubilo nekoga ako im to kaže autoritet.


Asch eksperimenti bili su serija eksperimenata Solomona Ascha 50-ih godina, koji su testirali stepen do kojeg društveni pritisak od strane većinske grupe može uticati na osobu da se povinuje. Zaključak: Ljudi su bili spremni ignorisati stvarnost kako bi se povinovali grupi.

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