January 2020

Nigel Farage bids final farewell to EU at the European Parliament

Thank you very much. So this is it, the final chapter, the end of the road. A 47 year political experiment that the British frankly have never been very happy with. My mother and father signed up to a common market, not to a political union, not to flags, anthems, presidents, and now you even want your own army. For me, it's been 27 years of campaigning, and over 20 years here in this Parliament.



Nigel Farage upućuje posljednji pozdrav EU u Evropskom parlamentu

Mnogo vam hvala. Dakle, to je to, završno poglavlje, na kraju smo puta. 47 godina star politički eksperiment kojim Britanci iskreno nikada nisu bili jako zadovoljni. Moja majka i otac su glasali za zajedničko tržište, a ne za političku uniju, ne za zastave, himne, predsјednike, a sada hoćete i svoju vojsku. Za mene, to je bilo 27 godina kampanje, i preko 20 godina ovdje u ovom Parlamentu.



The Tyranny of "We"

Author Chris Rossini

Source: http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com/archives/the-tyranny-of-we

Let's say you want to be an authoritarian. You want to rule over other human beings by force (or the threat of force) if they don't obey your commands.



Tiranija koja se zove "mi"

Autor Chris Rossini

Izvor: http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com/archives/the-tyranny-of-we


Zamislite na trenutak da želite da budete autoritarac. Želite silom da vladate drugim ljudskim bićima (ili pod prijetnjom sile) ako oni ne slušaju vaše komande.



Freedom and Prosperity - celebrating a decade of work

On the New Year's eve of 2009-2010, exactly 10 years ago, an excitement different from that of typical New Year's celebration was going through my body.


Sloboda i prosperitet - 10 godina rada

Na novogodišnju noć 2009-2010, prije tačno 10 godina, uzbuđenje drugačije od tipičnog novogodišnjeg slavlja prožimalo je moje telo.
