February 2015

The Poison Called Nationalism

By Sheldon Richman

FEBRUARY 6, 2015

“Forward, the Light Brigade!”

Was there a man dismay’d?

Not tho’ the soldier knew

Someone had blunder’d:

Theirs not to make reply,

Theirs not to reason why,

Theirs but to do and die:

Into the valley of Death

Rode the six hundred

“The Charge of the Light Brigade,” Alfred, Lord Tennyson


Otrov zvani nacionalizam

Autor Sheldon Richman

6. februar, 2015.

“Napred, laka brigado!”

Jel tu bilo prestravljena covjeka?

Nijedan vojnik nije znao

Da je neko jako pogriješio:

Nije nihovo da odgovore,

Nije nihovo da prosuđuju zašto,

Već je njihovo da postupaju i ginu:

U dolinu smrti


Freedom Matters

LIBERTY. It's a simple idea, but it's also the linchpin of a complex system of values and practices: justice, prosperity, responsibility, toleration, cooperation, and peace. Many people believe that liberty is the core political value of modern civilization itself, the one that gives substance and form to all the other values of social life. They're called libertarians.

Learn more about this philosophy at http://www.libertarianism.org/

Video produced by Evan Banks and narrated by Leigh Harrington.

Source: Libertarianism.org YouTube channel. Translated by Sinisa Domic. Freedom and Prosperity TV.


Sloboda je važna

SLOBODA. To je jednostavna ideja, ali ona je također osovina složenog sistema vrijednosti i prakse: pravde, prosperiteta, odgovornosti, tolerancije, saradnje i mira. Mnogi ljudi vjeruju da je sloboda osnovna politička vrijednost moderne civilizacije, da ona daje sadržaj i oblik svim ostalim vrijednostima društvenog života. Oni se zovu libertarijanci.

Naučite više o ovoj filozofiji na http://www.libertarianism.org/

Video producirao Evan Banks a govori Leigh Harrington.

Izvorno: Libertarianism.org YouTube kanal. Preveo Siniša Domić. Sloboda i Prosperitet TV.


Attempt at Conscription in Ukrainian Town Velikaya Znamenka Fails

Attempt at conscription in Ukrainian town Velikaya Znamenka fails spectacularly. Zaporozhie, Ukraine. 
"Donetsk and Lugansk did not want to obey your junta which usurped power illegally! Now it turns out we're all "separatists", "criminals" and we have to go fight Donetsk! You're the illegitimate junta! You're the separatists!"

Spektakularno propao pokušaj mobilizacije u ukrajinskom gradu Velikaya Znamenka

Grad Velikaya Znamenka govori protiv rata, Zaporožje, Ukrajina.  "Donjeck i Lugansk nisu htjeli da poslušaju vašu huntu koja je preuzela vlast ilegalno!  Sada smo izgleda svi "separatisti", "kriminalci" i moramo ići ratovati protiv Donjecka!  Vi ste nelegitimna hunta! Vi ste separatisti!  Mi govorimo ruski, Donjeck govori ruski! Niste imali pravo da oduzmete naš jezik od nas! Mi vas ne tjeramo da govorite na ruskom!"


War in Ukraine: For What and for Whom?

Rally against mobilization in Dneprovka.  Hello. I am daughter of a recruit, and I just do not want my father to go to war. Please tell me for what and for whom? For those rich crooks in government? Excuse me please, I still live in a quiet town in a quiet village. And why would my father go and shoot at his brothers?

We stand at the graves of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who fought for the peaceful sky over our heads! Now, what? (applause) Now our uncles, fathers, grandfathers, go and fight, just for those criminals! Excuse me please, the war was not started by these men who stand behind me, but by very rich criminals in power, and it is making them huge, huge fortunes. Why should my father go fight in that war? (applause) For what? And you know what is the saddest thing of all? My great-grandfather saw the war, my great-grandmother saw the war, and now what?


Rat u Ukrajini - za šta i za koga?

Miting protiv mobilizacije u Dneprovki.  Zdravo. Ja sam kći regruta, i ja doista ne želim da moj otac ide u rat. Molim vas recite mi za šta i za koga? Za one bogate prevarante na vlasti? Izvinite molim vas, ja još uvijek živim u mirnom gradu u mirnom selu. I zašto bi moj otac trebao ići pucati u svoju braću?


The beginning of dissent

The beginning of dissent - the day you realize freedom is more precious than honey.


Početak disidencije

Početak disidencije - dan kada shvatiš da je sloboda dragocjenija od meda.

