February 2015

Abolish the Income Tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing

By the way, when I say cut taxes, I don't mean fiddle with the code.  I mean abolish the Income Tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing. - Ron Paul


Ukinuti porez na dohodak, zatvoriti poreznu instituciju, i nadomjestiti ih sa ničim

Uzgred, kada kažem da treba smanjiti poreze, ja ne mislim na pravljenje sitnih izmjena u zakonu. Već time mislim da treba ukinuti porez na dohodak, zatvoriti poreznu instituciju, i nadomjestiti ih sa ničim. - Ron Paul


Milton Friedman on Educational Vouchers

“The responsibility for educating children is with their parents. And in order to make it a parental matter, you have to have a situation in which the parents a re free to choose the schools their children go to. They aren't now. Today, the schools pick the children. Children are assigned to schools by geography. By where they live. And essentially you've got a school picking its own children. As I said in 1955, take the amount of money that we are now spending on the education, divide it by the number of children, and give that amount of money to each parent.” Excerpts from an interview with Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn on May 22, 2006 in which Milton explains the dynamics involved when parents are empowered to select the best educational option for their children. Source: LibertyPen YouTube channel. Translated by Jadranko Brkic.


Milton Friedman o edukacijskim vaučerima

“Odgovornost za edukaciju djece je na njihovim roditeljima. A da bi se to pitanje učinilo roditeljskim, morate da imate situaciju u kojoj su roditelji slobodni da biraju škole u koje će njihova djeca da idu. To danas nije slučaj. Danas, škole biraju djecu. Djeca se dodjeljuju školama na osnovu geografije. Po tome gdje oni žive. I u suštini vi imate situaciju da škole biraju djecu. Kao što sam rekao 1955., uzmite iznos novca koji mi sada trošimo na obrazovanje, razdijelite ga na broj djece, i dajte taj novčani iznos svakom roditelju.” Isječak iz intervjua sa Hillsdale College predsednikom Larri Arnn, 22. maja 2006. godine u kojem Milton Friedman objašnjava dinamiku situacije kada roditelji imaju moć da izaberu najbolju obrazovnu opciju za svoju djecu. Video izvor: LibertyPen YouTube kanal. Preveo Jadranko Brkić.


Interventionism Kills: Post-Coup Ukraine One Year Later

written by Ron Paul
Sunday, February 22, 2015.


Intervencionizam ubija: Ukrajina godinu dana nakon prevrata

pisao Ron Paul
Nedjelja, 22 februar, 2015.


Value Systems

Value systems:

Socialism: social justice, material equality, redistribution, the common good, classless society, public ownership, social responsibility.

Liberalism: freedom, rule of law, choice, tolerance, entrepreneurship, competition, property, individual responsibility.

Conservatism: order, duty, tradition, hierarchy, authority, discipline, honour, charity.


Sistemi vrijednosti

Sistemi vrijednosti:

Socijalizam: socijalna pravda, materijalna jednakost, redistribucija, opšte dobro, besklasno društvo, solidarnost, javno vlasništvo, socijalna odgovornost.

Liberalizam: sloboda, vladavina prava, izbor, tolerancija, preduzetništvo, konkurencija, vlasništvo, individualna odgovornost.

Konzervativizam: red, služba, tradicija, hijerarhija, autoritet, disciplina, čast, milosrđe.


Ron Paul on Military Interventionism in Ukraine

Excerpt from Ron Paul's conversation with RPI Director Daniel McAdams about Dr. Paul's recent speech at the International Students for Liberty conference in Washington, D.C. Dr. Paul discusses the great importance of non-interventionism even as some European guests at the conference disagreed on the need for US involvement in Ukraine. Source: RonPaulInstitute YouTube channel. To find out more, visit the Ron Paul Institute website. Translated by Jadranko Brkic.


Ron Paul o vojnom intervencionizmu u Ukrajini

Isječak iz Ron Paul-ovog razgovora sa direktorom Ron Paul Instuta Daniel McAdams-om o Paul-ovom nedavnom govoru na internacionalnoj kovenciji Students for Liberty u Vašington DC-ju. Dr. Paul govori o velikoj važnosti ne-intervencionizma, čak i pored toga što se neki evropski gosti na konferenciji nisu slagali u pogledu potrebe za miješanjem SAD u Ukrajini. Izvor: RonPaulInstitute YouTube kanal. Da saznate više, posjetite Ron Paul Institute vebsajt. Preveo Jadranko Brkić.

