John J. Cowperthwaite: positive non-interventionism

"In the long run, the aggregate of the decisions of individual businessmen, exercising individual judgment in a free economy, even if often mistaken, is likely to do less harm than the centralized decisions of a Government; and certainly the harm is likely to be counteracted faster."

Sir John James Cowperthwaite, Hong Kong Financial Secretary from 1961 to 1971.


John J. Cowperthwaite: pozitivni neintervencionizam

Dugoročno gledano, sveukupan broj odluka pojedinačnih privrednika, donošenjem vlastitih prosuđivanja u slobodnoj ekonomiji, čak i ako bi često bili u zabludi, je vjerovatno manje štetno nego centralizovano odlučivanje Vlade, a zasigurno je vjerovatno da će tako i šteta biti brže neutralisana.

Sir John James Cowperthwaite, Financijski Sekretar Hong Konga od 1961 do 1971.


Thomas Jefferson on Government Power

"A government big enough to give you everything you need, is a government strong enough to take away everything that you have."  - Thomas Jefferson


Thomas Jefferson o moćnoj vladi

Vlast dovoljno velika da ti da sve što poželiš je vlast dovoljno moćna da ti oduzme sve što imaš.  - Thomas Jefferson


What Does a Libertarian Do?

What does a libertarian do?


Šta to radi libertarijanac?

Šta to radi libertarijanac?


A Nation Taxing Itself Into Prosperity?

A nation taxing itself into prosperity.


Oporezivanjem u prosperitet?

Nacija u pokušaju da se oporezivanjem podigne u prosperitet.


Thomas Sowell on Affording for Government Run Healthcare

“It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it.”
- Thomas Sowell


Thomas Sowell o plaćanju za zdravstvo

"Nevjerovatno je to da ljudi koji misle da si ne možemo priuštiti da plaćamo za ljekare, bolnice i lijekove takođe misle da si nekako možemo priuštiti da plaćamo za ljekare, bolnice, lijekove i državnu birokratiju koja će svim time upravljati." - Thomas Sowell



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