Statism: ideas so good they have to be mandatory!

Statism: ideas so good they have to be mandatory!


Etatizam: ideje toliko dobre da se moraju sprovoditi pod prisilom!

Etatizam: ideje toliko dobre da se moraju sprovoditi pod prisilom!


Four Ways to Spend Money

Attached graphic is a modified illustration from Milton Friedman's famous book Free to Choose, in which the author explains the four ways of spending money. Depending on whether the spender spends one's own or someone else's money, and whether this individual spends it on oneself or on someone else, it all greatly affects his or her criteria in terms of savings and the value of that on which the money is being spent. Most careless and thus the most inefficient way of spending occurs when other people's money is being spent on someone else, as the person spending it does not care about the price nor about the value of that which is being bought. Neither did the spender earn the money which he or she is to spend, nor is he or she spending it on oneself.  And that's one of the main reasons why welfare state doesn't work.


Četiri načina trošenja novca

Priloženi grafički prikaz je modifikovana ilustracija iz knjige Sloboda izbora (Free to Choose) Miltona Friedmana, u kojoj autor objašnjava četiri načina potrošnje novca.  Ovisno o tome da li potrošač troši svoj ili tuđi novac, te da li ga troši na sebe samoga ili na nekog drugog, uveliko utice na njegove kriterije u pogledu stednje i vrijednosti onoga na što troši.  Najbezbrižniji a ujedno i najneefikasniji način potrošnje je kada se troši tuđi novac na nekog drugog, jer onaj koji taj novac troši ne mari niti za cijenu niti za vrijednost onoga što kupuje.  Niti je novac koji troši on sam zaradio, niti je ono sto kupuje za njegovu vlastitu upotrebu.  I to je jedan od osnovnih razloga zašto socijalna država ne funkcioniše.


Margaret Thatcher on Socialism

The following video clip is an excerpt from Margaret Thatcher's last House of Commons appearance on November 22, 1990., where she responded to the accusations that her policies led to significant widening of the gap between the rich and the poor during her time in office.

video source from mynameiswhatever YouTube channel


Margaret Thatcher o socijalizmu

Slijedeći video klip je odlomak iz posljednjeg nastupa Margaret Thatcher u britanskom Domu Naroda (House of Commons) 22. Novembra 1990 godine, u kojem je odgovorila na optužbu da je politika njene administracije dovela do značajnog proširenja jaza između bogatih i siromašnih tokom njene vladavine.

video izvor sa mynameiswhatever YouTube kanala


Viktor Trifunovski u emisiji Jadi Burek

Makedonski ekonomist, politički analitičar, i die hard libertarijanac Viktor Trifunovski gostovao je 2. Juna 2012. u emisiji Jadi Burek na makedonskoj Naša TV.  U ovom izrazito informativnom nastupu Trifunovski je između ostalog govorio o temama kao što su analiza svjetske krize i državnog intervencionizma od 1930'tih do danas, razbio popularne mitove o socijalizmu i Karlu Marksu, objasnio pogrešnost okrivljavanja nepostojećeg kapitalizma slobodnog tržišta za svjetsku krizu, dao svoje mišljenje o evropskim i NATO integracijama, i na kraju izložio svoje viđenje za put Makedonije u prosperitet. Trajanje: 1 sat i 30 minuta.


Beograd: Konferencija u čast profesora Svetozara Pejovića

Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, odaje počast pedeset godina istaknute naučne i akademske karijere Svetozara Pejovića, profesora emeritusa na Teksaškom A & M univerzitetu, organizovanjem konferencije u čast Svetozara Pejovića pod nazivom "Zakon, pravila i ekonomske performanse ". Svetozar Pejović je diplomirao na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu 1955 godine, a ekonomski doktorat je stekao na Georgetown univerzitetu, SAD 1963. 2005 godine profesor Pejović je primio i počasni doktorat na Univerzitetu u Beogradu. Njegovo ime je listirano u drugom i trećem izdanju publikacije Who Is Who in Economics.


Belgrade: Conference in Honor of Professor Svetozar Steve Pejovich

The Faculty of Law University of Belgrade pays tribute to fifty years of the distinguished scientific and academic career of Svetozar Pejovich, Professor Emeritus of the Texas A&M University by organizing a Conference in Honor of Svetozar Pejovich entitled “Law, Rules and Economic Performance”. Svetozar Pejovich graduated from the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade in 1955 and received a Ph.D. in Economics from Georgetown University, USA in 1963. In 2005 Professor Pejovich became the recipient of an honorary Ph.D. from the University of Belgrade. He is listed in the second and third editions of Who Is Who in Economics.


Natasha Srdoc: Reflecting on the Olympics and the Significance of Raising the Torch of Liberty

author: Nataša Srdoč, Chairman, Adriatic Institute for Public Policy

We congratulate individual athletes, family members and their coaches from Croatia who sacrificed much over the last four years to compete in the London 2012 Olympics! We convey our admiration and respect for all the athletes in the Adriatic region and beyond. The individual stories of triumph and losses will be remembered by us all and the games itself will inspire a new generation.

A competitive arena where the rules of the game are upheld rewards the rise of the best. Competition brings out the best - and meritocracy reigns supreme.



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