Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand on Changing Culture in the Direction of Reason and Intellect

In this short clip from a longer interview, Ayn Rand describes the type of individual who can move modern culture in the direction of reason and the intellect. See the whole interview here. Source: Ayn Rand Institute YouTube channel.


Ayn Rand o mijenjanju savremene kulture u pravcu razuma i intelekta

U ovom kratkom isječku iz dužeg intervjua, Ayn Rand opisuje vrstu pojedinca koji može da promijeni savremenu kulture u pravcu razuma i intelekta. Cijeli intervju je dostupan ovdje. Izvor: Ayn Rand Institute YouTube kanal.


Ayn Rand on the Value of Businessmen

In this short clip from a longer interview with James McConnel in 1961., Ayn Rand describes the role of businessmen in a modern society, and specifically their role in the enormous rise in standard of living seen in the nineteenth century.


Ayn Rand o značaju preduzetnika

U ovom kratkom odlomku iz dužeg intervjua sa James McConnel-om iz 1961., Ayn Rand opisuje ulogu biznismena u modernom društvu, a posebno njihovu ulogu u ogromnom porastu standarda života koji se desio u 19. stoljeću.



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